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Programme guidance

Everything you need to know about accessing Big Local funding and resources to support your area

Gaining legal status LTOs Working as a partnership
The duties and liabilities of charity trustees and company directors

Guidance for partnerships becoming an incorporated organisation or setting up a separate legal body

Political activities and public funding
Working with your MP

Discover ways to engage with your local MP and get inspired with real life examples

Communications and social media Coronavirus
Zoom for Big Local areas

How to access Zoom and use it securely

Plans and activities Working as a partnership
The Big Local plan

Planning how your area will work towards becoming an even better place to live.

Conflicts of interest Working as a partnership
Big Local partnerships

A Big Local partnership is a group of at least eight people who guide the overall direction of Big Local in your area.

Managing Big Local funding
Managing Big Local funding

Guidance for administering and accounting Big Local funding

Plans and activities Working as a partnership
Reviewing your Big Local plan

Working out whether you have achieved what you set out to do

Managing Big Local funding
Funding agreements and processes for Big Local plans

Guidance for your Big Local partnership outlining funding agreements

LTOs Managing Big Local funding Working as a partnership
Locally trusted organisations

Essential guidance for understanding and working with LTOs

Working as a partnership
Complaints about a Big Local area

What happens after a complaint is made about a Big Local area