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Gaining legal status LTOs Working as a partnership

The duties and liabilities of charity trustees and company directors

This guidance is for those involved in a Big Local partnership that is thinking about becoming an incorporated organisation or setting up a separate legal body. This guidance is designed to help you to understand further the duties and liabilities of charity trustees and company directors but should not be used as a replacement for seeking professional advice or consulting other guidance from the government or regulators.  

Where you may be appointed as either a charity trustee or a company director (or both, depending on the legal body which is set up), this guidance summarises your duties and the rare situations where personal liability can arise 

It should be read alongside the ‘Incorporation and Big Local’ guidance document ‘setting up a new legal body.’ 

There is a glossary at the end of the guidance which explains the meaning of the more technical legal terms written here.  

Different Legal Forms
Duties of Company Directors
Trustees’ Duties
Liability – Liability to Third Parties
Liability - Breach of Trust