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Closing out and moving on: Essential guidance for partnerships and LTOs


The Big Local programme will close in March 2026. In response to this, our ‘closing out and moving on’ approach has been designed to: 

  • remove the administrative burden on Big Local partnerships in the final stages of the Big Local programme 
  • free up partnerships’ time and resource to focus on closing out with confidence. 

About this guidance 

This guidance has been developed to support Big Local partnerships and locally trusted organisations (LTOs) to complete the closure of Big Local in their area. It will also be relevant to others involved in the programme. 

It is essential reading that includes: 

  • the requirements to close Big Local in an area  
  • details of considerations, preparations and actions for closing out successfully  
  • how an area can keep connected to the wider Big Local programme and Local Trust after they have closed out, up to March 2026. 

This guidance will be reviewed and updated from time to time. This version was updated in September 2024 to reflect a revised and more flexible approach to supporting areas to close. 

Download guidance

Closing out
Preparing for close out
Key considerations for Big Local partnerships
Key considerations for LTOs
How will close out be confirmed?
What happens after a Big Local area closes out?
Contributing to Learning from Big Local
Keeping in touch after closing out
Useful links and guidance

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