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Local Trust will be joined by support partners and speakers from Big Local areas to present guidance, share first-hand experiences and offer support around legacy and close out.

What to expect from this session:

In the first hour there will be a short introduction to prepare for the close of Big Local in your area, going over some key points for partnerships to consider and provide information on how to find out more, including the new close out guidance. There will also be two presentations from Big Local areas covering differing perspectives including a partnership continuing as an organization beyond Big local and another with a different legacy plan. As always, there will be opportunities to come together and share your experiences, plans and ideas.

In an optional final 30 mins, you’ll have a chance to discuss topics of legacy and close out with our support partners and other post-close out organizations to see what help is available to you, whatever your post-Big Local plans are and whatever stage of this process you are at. This could include hearing from our recruitment support partners on retaining workers through the close-out process, our fundraising partners to identify post-big local funding or learning about opportunities through membership of Locality and Big Locals Together.

Register here

Keep Connected with Big Local is your regular opportunity to network and connect with other Big Local areas and Local Trust, and to find out about more learning and networking events.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 020 358 804 23.