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Our research strategy

Learn about the hypothesis that underpins our research and evaluation

Research at Local Trust is integral to our work and this strategy sets out what we plan to do up to the end of the Big Local programme. This ambitious direction will allow us to develop our learning and understanding about community-led change and how to bring it about, not just in Big Local areas, but in disadvantaged and ‘left behind’ areas across England.

This work includes:

  • Evaluating Big Local and the management and support Local Trust provides to Big Local areas
  • Testing key aspects of the programme
  • Diving deeper into key themes and topics
  • Running our programme-wide data collection systems
  • Contributing to the evidence base on how to deliver community power and control of resources and what impact community control has.

Set out below is the Big Local hypothesis which underpins our approach to research and evaluation.

Three categories sit underneath the hypothesis which each include lines of inquiry that will be explored over the coming years. These lines of inquiry are questions that will underpin all our research projects, ensuring that all the work we do relates back to at least one of these key questions.

The Big Local hypothesis
Evaluating support to people and communities
Evidencing the enablers of change
Sustaining our impact into the long term