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Join other Big Local areas to explore the role of Big Local workers in supporting resident-led decision-making in communities

Big Local workers make a huge contribution to the Big Local programme. Local Trust would like to understand more about how workers support resident led decision making and the delivery of the Big Local plan.

Recent research showed that 135 out of the 150 Big Local areas have workers. Across those 135 areas, at least 265 workers were contributing to Big Local. These workers do this in a range of different ways including:

  • 62% build relationships and networks with other community stakeholders
  • 60% are involved in community engagement
  • 52% perform administration and finance tasks

It would be great to understand more about the things workers do and ways they work that contribute towards community control and resident led decision making. We would like to open up discussions with workers, partnership members, LTO’s and Big Local Reps at one of our workshops.

We would like to talk to you about your experience, views and include your experience of Big Local workers in our research. The workshops will share back some of the findings we’ve got so far and explore these further to get a wider perspective. The workshops will be on zoom but they will also be fun and interactive so please do come along as it would be great to have a wide range of people involved. This research is being carried out by WSA Community Consultants who will also facilitate these workshops.

WSA Community Consultants have worked with Big Local areas and Local Trust on a range of projects supporting learning, facilitation, community led approaches and research.

Sign up below to share your experiences and learn from other Big Local areas.

For any queries about the workshop or the research, please contact Local Trust at