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Programme guidance

Everything you need to know about accessing Big Local funding and resources to support your area

Working as a partnership
Code of conduct

A code of conduct is a set of rules or standards setting out how you, as members of the Big Local partnership and/or those actively involved, agree to behave.

Communications and social media
Digital toolkit

Quick and easy tech interventions at low cost and high impact

Working as a partnership
Getting started with facilitation

A new set of facilitation tools to help Big Local partnerships understand and address issues they might be facing

Working as a partnership
Mapping power

Get a better understanding of power and how it affects a Big Local partnership

Measuring change Working as a partnership
Planning for measuring change

Work with your partnership to make a plan for measuring change in your Big Local area.

Working as a partnership
Tackling a problem

Tackle a problem the Big Local partnership is stuck with.

Working as a partnership
Understanding power

Create understanding of our own power as individuals and organisations, and how to share it more fairly and effectively.

Working as a partnership
Understanding roles

Draw out the difference between leading, managing and doing

Communications and social media
How to write a press release

Template and guidance for writing a press release

Communications and social media
Download our logo

Big Local areas need to use the National Lottery Community Fund logo, plus either the Local Trust | Big Local logo or your local Big Local area logo if you have one