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Regeneration and development resources


This signposting page has been developed to help Big Local partnerships and local partners find information and support related to regeneration and development.  It is based on conversations that happened as part of the Big Local regeneration and development network at workshops, events and one-to-one. It also incorporates knowledge shared by regeneration and development experts.

Types of regeneration and development projects

Below, we’ve collated information related to different types of regeneration and development projects you may be thinking of starting or are in the process of delivering.

Community asset transfer
Community led housing
Creating public art
Developing green infrastructure/community gardens
Improving high streets
Engaging with a planned development

Focus areas

These focus areas apply to many of the types of projects mentioned above. For example, if you are intending to engage with a planned development, you might want to focus on stakeholder management, local planning authority and community engagement and organising.

Organisational structures and governance
Stakeholder management
Local planning authority
Community engagement & organising

Related resources