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As we approach the end of the Big Local programme, there’s more opportunity than ever to secure positive media coverage to share your story locally and nationally.

But with so much having changed over the last decade in the media landscape, it can be difficult or intimidating to know where to start.

Join our comms partner Peg Alexander for a 90-minute media masterclass, where she will cover:

  • what makes a story newsworthy nowadays? (with plenty of weird and wonderful examples)
  • how to find the right angle of the story you want to tell (what’s interesting to you, isn’t always interesting to journalists)
  • the power of social media for getting journalist’s attention
  • building mutually beneficial relationships with journalists (they’re just people!).

To get a flavour of what Peg can offer, have a watch of the video she recently created for Big Local areas on how to film great videos.