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Many Big Local partnerships have prioritised health and wellbeing, community cohesion and engaging young people within their plans.

Community-led sports can be fun, healthy and inclusive, which is why we have launched a range of support designed to help Big Local areas engage young people through sport.

What support is on offer?

With up to 10 days of support available with our partner, there are many different ways your partnership might want to use this support, including help to:

  • embrace the Doorstep Sport approach to help create year-round sporting opportunities for young people in your community
  • support your community to improve long term physical and mental health, and use sport as your vehicle to help tackle wider social outcomes such as food poverty, isolation or community safety
  • provide your community with accessible and affordable opportunities to take part in sport
  • join the StreetGames Network and build connections with likeminded organisations and groups

Who delivers this support?

StreetGames is one of the UK’s leading ‘sport for development’ charities – harnessing the power of sport & physical activity to create positive change in the lives for young people from low income, underserved communities

Formed in 2007, StreetGames work with over 1000 Locally Trusted Organisations (LTO’s), in 4000 disadvantaged communities across the UK, as Big Local’s support partner, they will be able to help areas explore ideas and develop bespoke plans.

Watch this video to find out more about the offer and our partner.


Ready to get started? Give us a call on 020 3588 0423 or email us at*

*Whilst in-area support with our partners is open to all, if certain support offers are oversubscribed, we will need to prioritize this depending on which areas need it most. This doesn’t mean your area will not get to take part in the offer – just that you may have to wait until support has been offered to priority areas first.

Read our Make it Happen FAQs



Chat to StreetGames


If you’d like to ask StreetGames more about their support, they will be available to answer your questions over on our new online networking spaces.

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