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Centre for Sustainable Energy are Local Trust’s Climate Action support partner here to support all Big Local areas tackling environmental and climate challenges. This first session in their series will cover how the environment and climate change can be used as a tool for engaging young people.

The Centre for Sustainable Energy will speak about their youth programme, ‘Bright Green Future’, as well as their fuel poverty and climate work in schools and youth clubs. During this event they will also be a chance to hear about how they can support your climate focused activities in your area. Whether you are right at the beginning of your projects or if you need a little bit of support for the activities that you are already doing. They can also help to create bespoke plans with you on engagement, project design and delivery and how to communicate the climate crisis to young people in your area.

To check out the Centre for Sustainable Energy’s youth programme, ‘Bright Green Future’, please visit

To check out the Centre for Sustainable Energy’s work in schools and youth clubs, please visit

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If you have any queries or questions about this event

or receiving support from Centre for Sustainable Energy

please do contact us at