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As part of our online learning programme, we want to support Big Local areas to understand the changes they make as they respond to COVID-19. This session is for people who want to understand these changes and how to use digital tools to collect and share their stories.

Local Trust have been offering ongoing support to Big Local areas to help them reflect on the changes they have made in their community. During lockdown, we will be holding our measuring change events online to help Big Local residents use digital tools to consider the changes that have been happening over this period.

This session will be divided into two parts with breaks to give you time away from screens! It will cover:

  1. Understanding and measuring change – learn about (or recap) measuring change, what it is, why it’s important and how to do it
  2. Digital tools for data collection & storytelling – now that you can measure change, learn about how to use digital tools not only to capture data, but to share what you’ve learned with your community, local organisations, funders and more!

As a participant, you will:

  • Develop your knowledge and understanding about the benefits of measuring change and how to go about it
  • Learn practical ways to measure change during periods of change and uncertainty
  • Discover digital tools to collect and present the data you need to show the change you’re making
  • Know where to access additional guidance and resources if needed
  • Network with and learn from other Big Local areas facing similar challenges

The session will be facilitated by Coalition for Efficiency and Superhighways.


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