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research Power and leadership

A new neighbourhoods policy

Local Trust’s neighbourhoods manifesto calls for the next government to commit to improving the prospects of doubly disadvantaged neighbourhoods – those that have the highest levels of deprivation and weakest social infrastructure.

Voices of Big Local Jun 2024 Community spirit Equality, diversity and inclusion Spaces and services

Changemakers: Reducing isolation and inspiring connection in West Yorkshire

After joining Keighley Big Local in 2016, chair Fiona Thompson shares the area’s journey so far and her experience of creating Café Eden – a safe space supporting parents and carers of autistic children.

Voices of Big Local May 2024 Community spirit Equality, diversity and inclusion

‘A quick chat and a cup of tea changed everything’

When life got tough for Vicky Williamson, a chance encounter with a volunteer from Northwood Together Big Local transformed her life. Vicky shares how getting involved with the programme built her confidence and helped her get back into the workplace.