Local Trust is a place-based funder supporting communities to achieve their ambitions.
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< Back to main menuBig Local is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas to create lasting change in their communities.
About the programmeEssential guidance, information and ideas for Big Local partnerships, to help you deliver change in your community.
Visit the support centreFind out how the principles of Big Local have inspired other programmes creating change in local communities.
Community Leadership Academy
Supporting volunteers involved in Big Local projects to develop their skills and knowledge.
Find out moreCreative Civic Change
This new approach to funding enabled communities to use art and creativity to make positive local change.
Find out moreThe latest news and stories from Big Local areas and beyond, exploring community power and resident-led change.
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Voices of Big Local
Inspiring stories from the people making change happen in their communities.
Read moreLocal Trust is a place-based funder supporting communities to achieve their ambitions.
Find out moreGo straight to…
< Back to main menuBig Local is an exciting opportunity for residents in 150 areas to create lasting change in their communities.
About the programmeEssential guidance, information and ideas for Big Local partnerships, to help you deliver change in your community.
Visit the support centreFind out how the principles of Big Local have inspired other programmes creating change in local communities.
Community Leadership Academy
Supporting volunteers involved in Big Local projects to develop their skills and knowledge.
Find out moreCreative Civic Change
This new approach to funding enabled communities to use art and creativity to make positive local change.
Find out moreThe latest news and stories from Big Local areas and beyond, exploring community power and resident-led change.
ExploreGo straight to…
Voices of Big Local
Inspiring stories from the people making change happen in their communities.
Read moreInterested in the Community Leadership Academy?
The Community Leadership Academy provides support for the people making Big Local happen, by helping them to develop leadership skills and share knowledge that can benefit the whole community. Launched in 2020, the programme has already supported 112 individuals and is designed to help people shape the future of their communities.
Created by Local Trust in partnership with Koreo, the Young Foundation and Northern Soul, the Community Leadership Academy provides structured support for community-led change as part of the Big Local programme and aims to increase our understanding of community leadership. Participants take part in a range of individual and group sessions, including personal coaching, to build on their own strengths and leadership style, develop leadership in others and set strategy.
Open to residents who are active volunteers involved in delivering Big Local projects, including Big Local partnership members, the Community Leadership Academy is looking for people who want to explore their own potential and the change they can bring to their neighbourhoods, by working effectively with others.
The Community Leadership Academy is currently entering the third wave of the programme, which will begin in Spring 2023.
Group sessions are your opportunity to meet each other, explore common issues, and come together around shared priorities. There will be a chance to learn from the facilitators and each other and share your own knowledge. The sessions will be split into three sections, and each will have a different focus: Understanding Leadership, Developing Leadership and Distributing Leadership.
One-to-one support is also at the heart of the Community Leadership Academy, and every participant will be allocated a leadership coach. In a series of confidential conversations between you and your coach, you will define personal goals and agree steps you can take to achieve them – all at your own pace.
We know that taking part in the Community Leadership Academy will be a step into the unknown for many people. So we wanted to give you an opportunity to find out more about the programme, meet some of the people who will be working on it, meet some of the other people who are interested in taking part, and see what it might be like to participate in a session.
We hosted a Workplace live for those interested in learning more about the Community Leadership Academy. Catch up here.
Who is eligible?
The Community Leadership Academy celebrates and supports a wide range of community leaders. It is open to anyone participating in Big Local as a volunteer. You do not need to have a formal leadership role (like chair) in your partnership, be a particular age, or have a minimum level of education. This year, we are collecting some information at the application stage. This is not assessed as part of your application, but is to help us understand who applies and to ensure the programme is accessible to everyone. The most important thing is that you’re willing to learn and are ready to commit to the experience!
There are 25 spaces available for Wave 3 of the Community Leadership Academy.
We will review applications based on the following –
We will also aim to have participants from a range of different areas represented in the programme.
Participants will need:
Am I A Leader?
When we hear the word ‘leader’, we often think of people with big personalities who have a lot of formal power. As a result, many people who are active in their communities either don’t see what they do as leadership, or feel uncomfortable being described as a leader. Part of what we do at the Community Leadership Academy is unpick and reframe the concept of ‘leadership’, and how this applies to community settings.
From our perspective, if you are involved in your Big Local and want to use your time and talent to make a positive change in your community, then you are showing leadership. Many of the people who’ve participated in the Academy did not see themselves as leaders – but through the programme have been able to recognise that they are demonstrating leadership skills and behaviours in their volunteering. So, whether you currently think of yourself as a leader, or have negative associations with the term ‘leadership’, if you think you would get something out of this programme, and in particular if you think your community might benefit from you taking part, we would encourage you to apply or get in touch to find out more.
I am a worker, can I take part?
The Community Leadership Academy offers specialised support for resident volunteers only, as this type of tailored support is almost non-existent elsewhere. We encourage Big Local workers to talk to their partnership and LTO to discuss training and professional development. We also offer many Big Local events which are open to workers.
I’m not a Big Local resident, can I be involved?
The Community Leadership Academy is open to anyone participating in Big Local as a volunteer. As Big Local is a place-based programme designed to benefit residents who live within these areas, we’d anticipate the majority of participants being residents.
Is there an age limit?
At this stage the offer is limited to those aged 18 or above. However, if you are interested in this kind of support and you are under 18 then please contact us at leadershipacademy@koreo.co to discuss further.
Can I take part if my area is spent out (or due to spend out during the programme)?
If an area has spent out, people from that area are still eligible to apply. Your application will be assessed using the same eligibility criteria (see above), which means that we will prioritise people from partnerships who are in active Big Locals.
Can more than one person from the same Big Local area take part?
Yes, more than one person from an area can take part. Your application will be assessed using the same eligibility criteria (see above) and we will aim to have participants from a range of different areas represented in the programme.
How much does it cost?
Taking part won’t cost you anything. Local Trust will be able to book and pay for your travel and accommodation the night before the in-person group sessions (if required).
Local Trust may also be able to cover childcare or caring costs whilst you attend sessions. Please contact Leila at leila.nicholas@localtrust.org.uk to discuss further.
How much time will it take?
Our expectation is that everyone taking part in the Academy will be able to commit around 3-4 hours a month across coaching and group sessions.
We know how busy people involved in Big Local are. So we have tried to create a balance between having enough time with you for the programme to be valuable, while not expecting too much. We recognise that things can come up which are unexpected. However, we would expect that if you apply to participate, you are committed to participating in the two in-person events, attending the monthly Zoom sessions, and to use your 5 allocated coaching calls. In order to officially ‘complete’ the programme participants need to have participated in the majority of sessions between March 2023 and March 2024.
People who complete the programme will be provided with a certificate that confirms and celebrates that they have fully taken part in the Community Leadership Academy. Once you’ve finished the programme and received your certificate, you will automatically join our growing network of CLA alumni.
How does the programme work?
Participants take part in the Community Leadership Academy in two main ways. The first is the sessions you’ll join as part of a group of fellow Big Local leaders, and the second is the meetings you’ll have as an individual with a coach.
Group Sessions
Group sessions are your opportunity to meet each other, explore common issues, and come together around shared priorities. There will be a chance to learn from the facilitators and each other, and share your own knowledge. The sessions will be split into three sections, and each will have a different focus.
As well as some in-person events, there will be different kinds of group sessions over the course of the programme, led by the programme partnership team. These sessions will be run over Zoom and last 2.5 hours (with plenty of breaks!). There will be one session a month throughout the duration of the programme.
The key ones are:
Individual Coaching
Coaching is a form of one-to-one support and will be at the heart of your Academy experience. In a series of confidential conversations between you and a leadership coach, you will define personal goals and agree steps you can take to achieve them – all at your own pace. The important thing about coaching is that it is directed by you, meaning you choose what to focus on, and your coach works with you to think it through in your own way. You may use the coaching to help you think through particular situations as they arise, or you might use multiple sessions to think about something bigger, like building your confidence or dealing with a specific project.
Participants will have 5 sessions with a coach over the course of the programme. Many participants will decide to have one session every two months, but you can decide the frequency as well as the focus when you speak to your coach at the beginning of the programme. If you join the Community Leadership Academy, we will introduce you to your coach via email, so that you can organise your first session at a time that’s convenient for you.
What will I need to take part?
We want to make participating in this programme as easy as possible. We know that some people may feel less confident taking part in something like this, but we are on hand to support everybody. Here is what you’ll need to take part in the programme:
However, if you don’t currently have any or all of the above (or are worried about it) please do not let it stop you from putting yourself forward for the Community Leadership Academy. Just email leila.nicholas@localtrust.org.uk – we are here to make sure support is available to all those interested in taking part.
I have a disability, will this be accessible?
We want to make the Community Leadership Academy as accessible as possible, so please contact us at leadershipacademy@koreo.co if you have access requirements so we can understand your needs and discuss how we can support you.
There may also be other considerations such as health issues, childcare or caring responsibilities that you may feel could restrict your involvement. Again please contact us at leadershipacademy@koreo.co to discuss further.
Social media
Here are some images to use on your Big Local area’s social media when talking about the Community Leadership Academy!
Remember to include the link to:
Click on the image then save.
Click on the image then save it
Download and print these posters to let volunteers in your Big Local area learn more about the Community Leadership Academy.