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This summer marked a significant milestone for Big Local, as 50 areas completed their Big Local journey – one third of the 150 areas who received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund.

It also marked more than a decade of resident-led change, which has seen local people across England take the lead in improving their neighbourhoods.

Rachel Rowney, chief operating officer at Local Trust, the organisation delivering the programme, said:

“This milestone is not just the culmination of years of dedication but a powerful testament to the impact of grassroots, resident-led efforts in transforming communities across the country.”

Designed to be radically different from other funding programmes, Big Local has enabled areas to spend their funding over 10 to15 years, according to their communities’ plans and priorities.

The first 50 Big Local areas that have completed the programme have delivered an array of impactful, locally-led projects, demonstrating the power of community-led neighbourhood regeneration.

  • In Blackburn, Shadsworth with Whitebirk Big Local – the 50th area to complete the programme – has launched a community shop, offering low-cost food and holiday meals for children.
  • In Barking and Dagenham, North meets South Big Local bridged divides between two communities separated by the A12, transforming a disused green space into a vibrant community hub and establishing a grants scheme for local projects.
  • Dover Big Local filled gaps in local services by partnering with private, voluntary, and public sector organisations and has gone on to continue and expand their work as a community interest company, successfully bringing in additional funding.

As the Big Local programme approaches its conclusion in 2026, Local Trust will continue to support the remaining 100 areas as they work to achieve their aims and deliver lasting change for their communities.

Local Trust is also calling for the learnings from the Big Local programme to be embedded in future community-led funding, including through a proposed Community Wealth Fund which would invest in the neighbourhoods that need it most, building community confidence and capacity and supporting the development of services and facilities that meet the needs and reflect the aspirations of residents.

Read more about the impact Shadsworth with Whitebirk Big Local have had in their community and the legacy they’re continuing locally as they became the 50th area to complete their Big Local journey.