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A big thank you to the Big Local areas who’ve put themselves forward to run a session at Connects.

Big Local run sessions

Drum roll please..the Big Local run sessions will include:

  • How a group of coastal communities are tackling loan sharks
  • A creative approach to combating loneliness and isolation
  • How setting up a youth market has enabled young people in an area to develop business skills
  • How the development of a sculpture trail has provided not only a fun family day out but also helped engage new stakeholders
  • How an area has used multi-media to help tell their story of developing a community hub.

While we finalise the agenda, we’re excited to let you in on some of the fun activities planned!

Evening activities

After our evening meal on Friday, you can either play bingo with a twist, exchange stories during a fireside chat with Louise, our journalist-at-large, or relax and chat to friends, old and new.

Making art together

Over the two days there will be the chance for everyone to contribute to a shared piece of art. The idea is about creating something together and reflecting the importance of everybody’s contribution to Big Local.

The marketplace

At the marketplace, which will be open on both days, you will be able to find out about new expert support from Media Trust, Shared Assets, StreetGames and Campaign for Better Transport.  This support is open to every Big Local area who may want fresh insight on an underlying issue or expert support to deliver a key project.  Read more.

You can drop by to learn more about the Community Wealth Fund and how you can join the alliance.

There will be various stalls offering tips and advice such as how to take, and use photographs, to tell a story. You can also meet Local Trust staff to ask us questions or give us your feedback.