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Community spirit Health and wellbeing

Recipe for success

Following the success of their ‘Beyond the Foodbank’ session which took place at Big Local Connects 2019, the group behind the project have sold 3000 copies of their cookbook to Big Local areas and scooped a regional award!

Community Stuff is a Sussex-based CIC that brings their community together with free fun activities, events, training and learning opportunities. They’ve partnered with Devonshire West Big Local to create and produce a cookbook, called ‘Beyond the Foodbank’, which includes everything from healthy recipes and costed shopping lists to nutritional tips and a budget planner.

At Big Local Connects 2019, the annual get together of Big Local areas from across England, the team ran a session which was a hit with attendees.

Following them sharing ideas with other Big Local areas, they have sold a whopping 3000 copies of ‘Beyond the Foodbank’ to areas, helping to up-skill residents and move them away from relying on food banks. This has enabled them to move onto the next stage and offer training.

“We sold just under 3000 books to 10 areas and these were shipped out this week, we are still getting orders coming in.”Sue Morris, Community Stuff CIC

Community Stuff also celebrated a fantastic achievement at the Best of Sussex Awards, winning the Best Community Organisation category.

They are currently writing a food skills course that will be delivered alongside the cookbook and this has generated a lot of interest.

To purchase copies of ‘Beyond the Foodbank’ please email