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How will we build a better future?

Introducing a new event series featuring one-on-one discussions with leading thinkers to consider how we can build a better future post-pandemic

At the heart of Local Trust and the Big Local programme, is a vision of empowered, resilient, dynamic, asset-rich communities making their own decisions on what is best for their area.  

This is why we’re excited to be hosting a series of online talks with several leading experts and high-profile thinkers on how, after coronavirus, we can build better economy, society, and planetwith community power as a core element. 

These one-on-one discussions will explore the postpandemic economy, transition to a low carbon society, the future of work and how it should be rewarded, and what happens when citizens want both more local and global governance. 

Each discussion will also look specifically at the idea of community power and its future role beyond COVID-19. 


  • Building a better economy with Grace Blakeley
    Grace is an economist and author of
    The Corona Crash: How the Pandemic Will Change Capitalism
    Wednesday 14 October 12 – 1pm
  • Building a better world of work with David Goodhart
    David is head of demography, immigration & integration at
    Exchange and author of Head, Hand, Heart: Why Intelligence Is Overrated, Manual Workers Matter, and Caregivers Deserve More Respect
    Thursday 12 November 1 – 2pm                                                                                         
  • Building a better politics with Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
    Mark is former deputy secretary-general and chief of staff of the UN under Kofi Annan
    Tuesday 15 December 12 – 1pm
  • Building a better environment with Chris Stark
    Chris is chief executive of the Climate Change Committee, the independent advisors to government on tackling climate change
    Friday 12 February 11am-12pm

These one-hour long events will see each speaker open with some initial remarks, before engaging in a wider dialogue and Q&A session 

The sessions will be chaired by Rayhan Haque, senior policy adviser at Local Trust. 

They are open to all and free to attend, and will take place online using Zoom, tickets for each session will be made available after the previous one has finished. Please feel free to share details of any of these events with your friends, family, and colleagues. We are particularly keen to see residents and partnership members from Big Local communities participate.