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Power and leadership

First look at the literature

From the project research team at IVAR

We wanted to get the Empowered Communities conversation started as quickly as possible. We knew that other people were carrying out bigger studies than ours with weighty literature reviews attached to them that would cover the same ground as us and more comprehensively too. But we still wanted to use what has already been learned and written. So we have chosen to review a very small number of books and reports that draw together learning from across the field and that we think are important for our research.

​We are midway through this initial review process but wanted to highlight some of the themes that are emerging as we go along and the implications for our research. In our intial literature report we highlight two themes that struck us as important for our research:

  1. What motivates people to take part?
  2. Community development and poverty alleviation

As our research progresses, we will continue our review and use it to inform some of the key topics that are emerging from the research.

Click to explore the Empowered Communities area of our website.