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Building stronger relationships

Big Local is best when partnerships have the skills and support to work better together. Did you know that you can access free training via Local Trust’s partnership with the Directory of Social Change (DSC)?

DSC can provide tailored support in your community to Big Local partnerships to help you build stronger, collaborative relationships.

Brendan from Prospect Estate Big Local went on a training course with other Big Local areas to learn about how Big Locals can work together to tackle big projects.

Besides sweating over Gantt charts and learning about the importance of delegating, Brendan met Elizabeth Gray-King, an inspirational trainer from DSC who made a complicated subject fun, coherent, inclusive and comprehensive.

“Elizabeth is an outstanding teacher, knowledgeable, experienced, passionate and a joy to learn from. Her experience made the course very “real” and very enjoyable. I’m looking forward to getting on and putting the learnings into practice” Brendan, Prospect Estate Big Local

Maybe you need governance support to learn about the formal responsibilities of being a trustee like Riverside Big Local, or perhaps you want to improve social media engagement like Hanwell, Copley Close Big Local. DSC have lots of amazing, experienced trainers like Elizabeth, who has project managed change projects in communities, local authorities, churches and national partnerships for over 30 years. Elizabeth teaches third sector-specific approaches to project management and her passion is helping people to change their own lives and their communities.

DSC can train groups of Big Local areas that are regionally connected as well as going to individual areas and deliver training to suit your partnership. Other Big Local residents from different areas took a training course on how to better manage volunteers. This was a fun, interactive opportunity for Big Locals to network and learn both from the Directory of Social Change and each other about legislation around volunteers, considering induction and motivating and recruiting volunteers.

Directory of Social change can also delve into more complicated issues like conflict management and negotiating skills. Check out their website to find out more.

Local Trust can help you to organize specific training based on your needs and development as a Big Local area or partnership. You’ll be able to discuss and develop your training needs with an expert trainer from Directory of Social Change, who will deliver this at a time and location to suit your area.

This support is free to Big Local areas and Local Trust can cover the cost of venue hire and refreshments if required.

Read more about it and to express interest get in touch with your rep or email us direct at