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Big Local partnership survey opens 1 June

On 1 June we’ll be sending out a survey to each Big Local partnership member to find out more about the experiences and day to day running of the partnerships. Here, Local Trust researcher Jeremy Yung answers the FAQs about the survey.

What is the national survey of partnership members 2020? 

The national survey of partnership members is held every two years and is the only time we ask partnership members across all 150 Big Local areas to tell us about their experiences of the Big Local programme. The survey asks partnership members about their experience of Big Local and any ideas for how we can make it even better.  

Who should complete the survey? 

Any current partnership members (voting and non-voting) and people who were partnership members in the last 12 months can complete the survey.   

Why is Local Trust surveying partnership members? 

The survey provides vital feedback from the key group of people who are the leaders and drivers of the Big Local programme. It gives partnership members the opportunity to tell us their experiences of Big Local and influence the direction of the programme. We want to find out if the Big Local approach is working, what we can do better, and to help us provide Big Local areas with better support and resources. The responses also provide valuable information to help us promote the programme, its outcomes and benefits, at a national level. 

How long does it take to complete the survey? 

The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete but doesn’t need to be finished in one sitting. All the paper surveys include a freepost envelope and we ask that you send it to Local Trust by 31 August. 

The online survey also allows respondents to stop partway through and return from where they have left off. To do this, respondents must complete a full page of the survey and hit the ‘next’ button. If the respondent stops halfway down a page, the results of that page will not be saved. 

How can I complete the survey? 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, throughout June the survey can only be completed online or over the phone. If you would rather complete a paper copy, please email with your full name, Big Local area name and post address or call us on 0203 588 0563. 

Do I answer the questions with COVID-19 in mind? 

We understand that the current COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered, delayed or in some cases stopped Big Local activities. However, when completing the survey, we ask that you reflect on your overall experience of Big Local since the end of 2018, when the last survey was conducted 

At the start of the survey we will ask questions specifically related to the COVID-19 pandemic. These are specifically related to your experience since March 2020. 

As a partnership member, is it mandatory for me to complete the survey? 

This is a voluntary survey, there is no obligation that you complete it. 

Will we find out the results of the survey? 

We will be sharing the findings from this year’s survey at the end of the year on our website so keep an eye out for them. 

Great, I’m a partnership member so sign me up! 

If you are a partnership member and would like to complete the survey, please email with your full name and the name of your Big Local area or call us on 0203 588 0563.