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Developing potential – a guide for communities

6 Feb 2020

Helping communities make the most of regeneration in their area

Understanding how residents can gain from regeneration and development, rather than lose out to it, is a challenge shared by Big Local areas and communities across the country. In trying to overcome this challenge, it became clear that accessible and clear information on how best to engage, influence and negotiate for the benefit of communities was very hard to find.

This how-to guide demonstrates how local communities can become actively involved in regeneration and help bring about positive changes for their area. Combining insights and observation, this guide has developed five ways to gain from regeneration and development. They are not quick or easy fixes, but they may help areas establish and sustain their community’s voice and visibility throughout the regeneration process.

It is based on a collection of five case studies, and a research report that offer a fuller description of the context, challenges and future possibilities for each of the five areas.

Who is this guide for?

The guide aims to provide useful information for community groups on how to gain the most from regeneration and development in their neighbourhoods. That said, residents, service providers, local authorities, housing associations and elected members will all find something of relevance to them, too.

This research forms part of a set of three resources, commissioned to provide support for communities experiencing regeneration and development initiatives. They are Developing Potential – Lessons from community experiences of regenerationDeveloping potential A guide for communities and Big Local experiences of regeneration and development.