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Briefing 14: Rapid research COVID-19

15 Sep 2021

Community responses to COVID-19: Sustaining community action

There is a growing body of evidence on how communities have responded to COVID-19, highlighting an early surge in community action and the subsequent power of communities to meet the needs of residents during crises. More recently, however, as the pandemic has continued longer than anyone imagined, there is increasing evidence pointing towards challenges in maintaining momentum. In some places, growing fatigue amongst some community activists and dips in the level of volunteering as furlough comes to an end, have come at the same time as it is recognised that levels of need are continuing to rise and are likely to endure way beyond the pandemic itself. This briefing draws on literature and primary research with 26 communities to explore the ways in which community action is and might be sustained.

This briefing is part of a long-term research project exploring Community responses to COVID- 19.  You can read the blog accompanying this briefing here.