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Creating the future

8 Apr 2019

Maddy Costa explores how four Big Local areas – Newington, Clubmoor, Devonshire West and Winterton – are each using arts and creativity to transform their neighbourhoods. Within the context of the Arts Council England’s proposed strategy for 2020-2030 which puts the expansion of opportunities for every citizen to do creative things at its core, Costa suggests these Big Local communities are at the forefront of a major cultural shift.

You’re not coming in to tell people what art is, you’re coming in to expose them to different kinds of art and from that they create their own from their own experience. I think we’re all artists, just in lots of different ways.

Sarah Nicholson, volunteer, Newington Big Local

About the Author
Maddy Costa

Maddy Costa is interested in art and particularly theatre as a place of gathering and community. She has been an arts writer and editor for The Guardian and, as a researcher, contributed to the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Inquiry into the Civic Role of the Arts. Maddy now works primarily online and within theatre, often in collaboration with other writers and artists.

Listen to the podcast

This podcast discusses how people can foster a vibrant arts culture as a means of achieving significant civic change.

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