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How does a Big Local area work?

Through the Big Local programme, 150 areas across England were enabled to create lasting change in their neighbourhoods over 10 to 15 years, through grants of just over £1m each.

This diagram shows the people and organisations that work with and support a Big Local partnership. There are many small differences in the ways Big Local areas operate – for example, some may have different numbers of paid workers, and some act as their own Locally Trusted Organisation (LTO).

However, the main elements are the same for each area, including the partnership itself. Made up of at least eight people (with at least 50 per cent of them local residents), the partnership works together to lead decision-making in response to their community’s priorities.

You can read more from the people creating change through Big Local and discover our research insights from the programme so far.

Download a copy of the diagram (PDF).