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Local Trust is delighted to be hosting an important and timely event for Big Local residents to better understand the government’s radical new proposals for the English planning system. Its ‘Planning for the future’ strategy outlines how they intend to overhaul the entire planning system in England, which will have significant implications for how Big Local communities will be able to decide on new housing and developments in their neighbourhoods.

These reform plans are currently out for public consultation, with a deadline for submissions of 29 October deadline for submissions.

The Local Trust Policy Team will be making an official response. To help inform and shape our submission to government, and make sure that it is rooted in the real life experiences of Big Local, we warmly invite you to this workshop to engage with leading figures and experts in the regeneration sector.

This event will be a great opportunity to learn about the new planning proposals and what they could mean for Big Local areas. Crucially, this workshop will also provide a forum for residents and partnership members to discuss how Local Trust should respond to the consultation. This workshop briefing and discussion session will strongly inform Local Trust’s response to the government consultation.

As numbers are limited we would ask that a maximum of one person per Big Local area attend. If you would like another resident to attend, please contact Local Trust on the email below and we will add you to a waitlist.

If you are planning on submitting your own response on behalf of your Big Local Partnership and would like some advice and guidance, then please contact Rob Day on 

A short briefing on the ‘Planning for the future’ White Paper, can be found here