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We’ve recently increased the number of memberships available for Big Local workers (and partnerships without workers) to join the Community Practitioners Network, led by Community Organisers.

To give you a flavour of what’s on offer through becoming part of the network, Nick from Community Organisers will be taking over our April Keep Connected event to run a taster session.

The session will focus on “The Barriers to participation”, where together with other Big Local areas you will explore some of the challenges you may have faced around getting the community involved and taking ownership over projects. Nick will then facilitate a conversation around how best to resolve some of these challenges.

This session will be an example of one of the wider conversation-style events that you’ll have access to if you become a member of the CPN. You’ll also have access to expert webinars and monthly Peer Learning Circles, where you’ll be able to be learn, network and share your experiences alongside practitioners outside of Big Local and expand your personal and professional networks.

Last year, we offered a limited number of Big Local workers a membership to the CPN. Feedback from those who’ve become members and regularly engaged with the network has been overwhelmingly positive and so we’ve decided to expand the number of membership places available.

You can sign up to become part of the CPN here >

Everyone is welcome but we’d especially love to see workers join us and get a flavour of the opportunity open to you through the network.

*This event will also be livestreamed to Workplace. So, if you can’t attend on the day, you’ll be able to watch it back at a time that suits you.

Register here

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 02035880423.