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Connecting and influencing are key to delivering Big Local. In this month’s Keep Connected with Big Local, we will be looking at relationships between Big Local partnerships and public agencies. We will be joined by Helen Garforth and Leila Baker from Just Ideas who will be sharing findings from their research with Big Local areas about their relationships with local authorities, housing associations, schools and health agencies. Their research looked at outcomes from these relationships and what they achieved, how effective they were and how Big Locals and public agencies can work best together. The research report is available on our website.

We’ll also be discussing how relationships with local partners work in your area – a chance to share what’s worked for you (and what hasn’t) and to learn from each other.  There’ll be plenty of space to network and catch up with each other as well.

Keep Connected with Big Local is your regular opportunity to network and connect with other Big Local areas and Local Trust, and to find out about more learning and networking events.

We look forward to seeing each other and engaging with you for our monthly online Keep Connected with Big Local session on Tuesday 15th November. You can sign up below.

Register here

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at  or call us on 020 358 804 23.