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This session is part of our COVID-19 Conversation series. The COVID-19 conversations are a popular networking series that have given Big Local areas an opportunity to connect and support each other as the coronavirus pandemic unfolded. As interest in the drop-in shifted from an informal space to one for specific conversations, Local Trust adapted these conversations to focus in-depth on one specific theme related to COVID-19. 

The COVID-19 restrictions had a significant impact on public transport and led to huge changes in how people travelled. Now, as restrictions are being lifted, what will be the impact on transport links in your area? What are the opportunities and challenges around public transport locally and what can you do about them?

This event will be a space for discussion and reflection, to look at the impact of COVID-19 on transport links, especially relating to bus provision. The conversation will feature Campaign for Better Transport, who will be attending to set the scene of the impact of COVID-19 on bus transport, including the potential impact and opportunities for areas of the National Bus Strategy, to answer your questions and to talk about the support they can provide.

This will be a space for areas to get a greater understanding of the context of public transport as restrictions are lifted, and for you to discuss with other areas the impact of restrictions on transport in your area over the past year and your ideas and concerns about transport links in the ‘new normal’.



We’d love to hear from you about any suggestions for future topics or if you are interested in any of our future events, please email us