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This is our second peer learning event as part of the communications & media support offer. It will be hosted by coach and peer learning facilitator Amanda Smethurst. Amanda will be facilitating all the peer learning events across the year.

The session will offer you a chance to pause and reflect on your work, and to share recent experiences. There will be time to work together with your peers to share ideas and solutions.

The second half of the event will include a masterclass session focused on communications (topic to be agreed).

Who’s it for?

Anyone involved in a Big Local place who is interested in learning from and with their peers.

The peer learning network has a broad focus on communications but will also encompass other topics and challenges that you want to discuss.

What will I get from peer learning?

  • Through a process of reflecting, listening and learning from each other you’ll get new ideas about how to face challenges, and to celebrate the moments you’re proud of.
  • You’ll get a greater understanding of all the things you’re learning about yourself, your project and your community.
  • Critically you’ll also build a network of peers that can offer you support and wisdom as you move forwards with delivering your projects.
  • We also hope you’ll enjoy yourselves!

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 020 3588 0423.

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