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Building an understanding of what discrimination looks like and how to handle challenging situations.

This session, led by Diversity Trust, will help attendees to recognise different types of discrimination and improve confidence in handling and addressing difficult situations. The event will also be a chance to learn more about the Diversity & Inclusion series.

In this session, attendees will:

  • Gain an understanding of what discrimination and exclusion look like
  • Learn how to handle challenges surrounding discrimination to improve confidence in handling and addressing difficult situations, drawing on the “Active bystander” methodology
  • Network and generate ideas with other Big Local areas through sharing past stories on discrimination and what lessons were learned
  • Have an open space where they can ask questions about discrimination without fear of being judged
  • Acquire resources to learn more or refer to when facing challenging situations

Whilst this event is now full, we are looking to add a further date. Please email us to register your interest.