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We are aware that some chairs are feeling stressed, pressured and fatigued because they are experiencing or anticipate having less capacity and capability as they struggle to recruit workers / volunteers and look to keep existing members motivated and engaged until the end of their Big Local journey.


In this session we will explore tools that can help you as chair, get the best from your members and meetings, to help you deliver your plans. We know that people are more likely to engage and share things about themselves when they are relaxed, and often that’s in a social environment where they are having fun.


As well as a chance to talk with other chairs, we will explore the Johari Window. This is a tool that you can use to help motivate members through providing opportunities for feedback and self-disclosure. The Johari Window Model is based on two ideas: that trust can be acquired by revealing information about you to others; and learning about yourself from others’ feedback.


We will also spend some time doing a ‘Possibility Thinking’ activity so that you leave the session with new ideas to consider for your future meetings. We are keen to know what you are doing currently that is fun in your meetings. How can you expand on that to retain engaged members and strengthen ties?


If you’re able to join us for this one-hour online session, we ask you to bring one idea, represented by a prop or item, to show us how you plan on introducing more fun into your partnership meetings, and hopefully you’ll get lots of great ideas in return.


Agenda for the day:

12.30pm –   Welcome and Introduction

12.40 pm –  Chairs networking. Using breakout rooms an opportunity to connect as Chairs and                       identify topics / issues of common interest that you would like to follow up outside                       of the session.

1.00 pm –    The Johari Window – what is it and how you might use it to help motivate members

1:10pm –     Possibility Thinking activity

1.20 pm –    Reflection and learning

1.30 pm –    End

Register here

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 02035880423