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In this session, Chairs will be introduced to tools they can use to support partnership members to navigate the changes and challenges faced by Big Local areas as they approach the close out phase. Chairs will learn about ‘The change curve’, a model that details the emotions people often feel when experiencing a transition.

Chairs can apply the model to anticipate partnership member’s reactions, and, tailor their communication to support people’s needs more effectively. This model can also be helpful to predict how change may impact personal effectiveness, as people travel through the four stages of the change curve: shock/denial, anger/fear, acceptance, and commitment.

Chairs will have the opportunity to explore the different stages of the change curve and its application in supporting members to navigate change.

The agenda for the evening is:

12.15 pm –       Welcome and Introduction

12.20 pm –       Chairs networking. Using breakout rooms as an opportunity to connect as Chairs and identify topics / issues of common interest that you might like to follow up outside of the session

12.50 pm-        Exploring the Change Curve. This session will involve discussions in breakout rooms and sharing of ideas. This will be done through:

  •  Short presentation on the model
  • Small group discussions
  • Group discussion sharing insights.

1.20 pm –        Reflection and learning

1.30 pm –        End

The event will be held on Zoom and will be facilitated by Daksha Patel.
If you require any more information please contact

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