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Each Big Local partnership has a chair who takes responsibility for bringing the partnership together and ensuring each member can contribute to the collective decision making.

An online group for chairs has existed on Workplace for some time and short online get togethers have been running regularly since 2020. Chairs tell us they value the opportunity to connect, network and share the ups and downs of leading a Big Local partnership with their peers.

Local Trust recognise that chairs have a unique role in their Big Local partnership and don’t often have peers they can seek support from locally. The chairs network is an opportunity for all 150+ chairs involved in Big Local to connect and learn as individuals in a group setting whilst supporting each other. Whilst some individuals have been a chair for many years, others are new to the role and Big Local. It’s important the network meets the different needs of its members.

Session – Reducing Overwhelm by Taking Control

We wanted to invite you all to the next Chairs network session on 28th February 2024, 6 -7.15pm.
The event will be held on Zoom and will be facilitated by Daksha Patel.

In this session, Chairs will have an opportunity to explore how to change perspectives on the demands and priorities they face as they approach close out.

As Chairs there will be many tasks and activities that require your attention. You might be juggling many responsibilities and concerns about what the future holds for your partnership, its’ members and the community at large. With so many plates to spin, there is the potential for feelings of overwhelm and to be overstretched.

In this session you will have the opportunity to look at managing overwhelm through exploring the the ‘Control Influence Accept model’ through a facilitated discussion.

The agenda for the evening is:

6.00pm –      Welcome and Introduction

6.05pm –      Chairs networking. Using breakout rooms as an opportunity to connect as Chairs and identify topics / issues of common interest that you might like to follow up outside of the session.

6.35pm –      “Control, Influence, Accept” model activity. This session will involve discussions in breakout rooms and sharing of ideas. This will be done through:

  • Short presentation on the model
  • CIA activity in small groups
  • Group discussion sharing insights.

7.05 pm –      Reflection and learning

7.15 pm –      End

If you are unable to make this session, the next Chairs network session will be held on 10th April 2024 12.15 -1.30pm.

We hope to see you at the event on the 28th February.

Sign up here

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 02035880423