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What have you done as a partnership that you are proud of and would like to share with other areas? Maybe there are challenges your partnership is experiencing that you would like to hear how other Big Locals might have dealt with.

Community engagement and volunteering is at the heart of Big Local and what Big Local areas have achieved so far is exciting and transformative for communities.

However, some challenges can seem hard to overcome. A different perspective or idea from someone tackling the same issues can be all you need to give you one of those ‘light-bulb’ moments. And as Big Local is different from other programmes, sometimes, the best person to chat things over with is another Big Local person.

This is what Big Local Buddies is striving to create – a setting where these magical and spontaneous moments can be shared to inform and support each other with community engagement, how you work to support volunteers to stay involved and a whole range of other issues. So many of you value conversations you have with other Big Local people at events like Connects – let’s make the most of them!

We’d like to offer you the opportunity to have your say in how we shape Big Local Buddies. How do you want to connect with others? What works best for you? What do you want from us as facilitators or other areas? The Big Local Buddies Pilot will run from January to June 2023. We want to welcome you and your area to get involved!

Before the programme launch, we’d love to have some of your views on a few key questions – so please come to one of our zoom chats with a cuppa OR contact me directly at any time with any questions or ideas you may have at

Register For a Zoom Chat Here