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There are a variety of networks open to you as a Big Local. They are designed to introduce you to your Big Local peers, so you can learn and share experiences alongside those who are facing similar challenges and opportunities.

Learning & networking events

Partner events

Some of our support partners run regular online learning events on topics related to their offer. This will include some in-person events where you can dig deeper into topics, alongside other Big Local areas facing similar challenges and opportunities. Find upcoming learning events via our events calendar.

By signing up to bespoke support, there may also be ad-hoc opportunities, organised by our partners, to come together with other areas who are also accessing the support offer.

Role-specific networks

Worker network

The worker network, run by Peas in a Pod Consulting, is a space for Big Local workers to connect, recognise the impact they’re having in their communities and leave feeling energised and supported to continue their amazing work. The network will be shaped around a programme of events designed to leave workers feeling heard, seen, valued and recognised. Find upcoming worker network events here and get in touch at if you’d like to be added to the Big Local workers Workplace group.

Chairs network

We know that chairs really value the opportunity to connect, network and share the ups and downs of leading a Big Local partnership with their peers. The chairs network is an opportunity for all chairs / vice chairs / co-chairs involved in Big Local to connect and learn as individuals in a safe group setting whilst supporting each other. Keep an eye on our events calendar for upcoming chairs network events and get in touch at if you’d like to be added to the Chairs of Big Local Workplace group.

Community Practitioners Network (CPN)

The CPN, which is an external network run by Community Organisers, offers you the chance to access expert guest lectures and webinars, take part in a range of topical conversations, and expand your network of personal and professional contacts, in a way that fits in with your individual working patterns and needs. We’d specifically encourage workers to sign up to this network, or volunteers from areas without a worker. It’s an opportunity to build networks with people outside of Big Local, so particularly useful for partnerships as they come to the end of the programme. Sign up to the Community Practitioners Network here.

Other Big Local networks

Community Leadership Fellowship Academy

Individuals who have participated in the first two waves of the Community Leadership Academy are invited to join the fellowship. This peer-to-peer network is designed with and for people who have completed the programme and provides space for ‘fellows’ to continue their learning and to practice and apply their leadership skills.

Amazing Communities Together

The ACT network has been established by individuals involved with the Big Local programme, with the mission of building on the knowledge, experience and connections formed through Big Local, so that communities can continue to benefit long after its conclusion.

ACT is open to any individuals or organisations who are interested in building stronger communities and offers members the following benefits:

  • Staying connected: ACT allows you to maintain valuable connections with your peers who have shared the Big Local journey with you. It’s also open to individuals and groups who are passionate about community development, regardless of their Big Local membership status.
  • Knowledge sharing: The network provides a platform for sharing fresh community development ideas and best practice. It’s a two-way street, where you can contribute your insights and benefit from the collective wisdom of experienced individuals.
  • Guidance and advice: Community development can be challenging, and ACT acknowledges that. That’s why it offers a place to seek advice on those tricky topics. You can tap into the experience of those who have ‘been there, done that,’ gaining valuable guidance for your own projects.
  • Stay informed: ACT keeps you in the loop about upcoming events, networking opportunities, funding prospects, and collaboration possibilities. This ensures that you don’t miss out on valuable resources and the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and organisations.

Find out more and sign up here.


Top tip: How to filter the Big Local events calendar

To find specific types of events or events on certain topics, follow these top tips for filtering our Big Local events calendar.

Take a look at our Wider networks page for opportunities to connect with networks outside of Big Local, which may be particularly useful as you get closer to the end of the Big Local programme.