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Behind the scenes in Bermondsey

The making of a Big Local video – part 2.

By Rachel Roberts, communications co-ordinator, Local Trust

Part 2 of our behind-the-scenes tour of the making of our new Big Local video. Meet some of the inspiring residents we filmed in South Bermondsey Big Local in London.

Our first days of filming had been on some of the hottest days of the year (check out that story here) and temperatures were high again when we visited South Bermondsey in London. This time, it was because we were in the heat of Bermondsey Community Kitchen.

Stephen, one of the residents in the video below, told us how the kitchen skills training is helping him into work. Our footage also captured Mike Donovan, the committed, no-nonsense local man behind the project. He’s patiently overcome lots of setbacks to set up this social venture in a previously disused space above his café business. Partnering with Big Local has helped him clear some of the initial financial hurdles, as he explains:

Then we dashed off to Millwall FC for one of South Bermondsey Big Local’s popular walking football sessions. There was huge camaraderie in the group. Everyone was really appreciative of the social and health benefits of taking part but also completely passionate about the game itself – as you’ll see in the video below and at the end of our overview film!

South Bermondsey Big Local have a partnership with Millwall FC to offer professionally coached walking football sessions.

Next we met a whole range of entrepreneurial women. Victoria’s talent was spotted by fellow residents and she’s been able to take professional floristry courses with Big Local support. She is now building her portfolio to become a professional florist. Meanwhile she uses her floristry skills as a volunteer, running fun and accessible flower activities that bring everyone together at Big Local events. Victoria’s passion for Big Local shone through in our interview:

Anne and Lea-anne were our next interviewees. They are Big Local volunteers who have arranged a series of intergenerational graffiti art workshops. We were lucky to be able to interview them among the art —  it was just about to be whisked off to be displayed at Southwark Cathedral and then auctioned off the fund the next creative project!

As a final treat, that evening we were over with the South Bermondsey Singing Group. They put us in a great mood with upbeat songs and we especially enjoyed meeting a mother daughter duo who attend together and share the ‘let’s do it’ attitude of so many of the Big Local residents we had the pleasure of meeting during the filming. Huge thanks to them all!

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We’d love to hear your feedback on the videos! Get in touch via Twitter (click the link or search @LocalTrust) and Facebook (click the link or search LocalTrustBigLocal).