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New Big Local video launches

By Rachel Roberts, communications co-ordinator, Local Trust

‘What is Big Local?’ is a question all of us involved in the programme are used to hearing. And by the time you’ve gone through the explanations — residents in control; £1m to each area; at least 10 years to spend it — it’s often hard to convey how exciting it is and the buzz of talking to people who are doing it.

So we had a lot of support for the idea of a video that could bring Big Local to life. But to be true to the values of Big Local, we knew it had to be done the right way: it had to be a story told in the words of local residents and their local partners and supporters.

The plan for the filmmaking was to visit two Big Local areas for about a day of filming in each. I launched into a busy few weeks of emails and phone calls to set things up and the filming days for each area were finally scheduled… two months apart! Sometimes, you just have to wait for the perfect moment.

The result was this overview film that gives just a snapshot of the incredible ‘people power’ that Big Local is releasing.

Watch and share

Join us in sharing the video: on your website, Facebook page or Twitter account, at events or however you prefer. Big Local areas can use the video to help get more people involved in Big Local.

We’d love to hear your feedback on the videos! Get in touch via Twitter (we’re @LocalTrust) and Facebook (we’re LocalTrustBigLocal).

To watch a longer edit of the overview film, click here. To find out more about the residents and the projects that we visited in the filming, check out this behind-the-scenes blog.