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Report suggests collaboration with residents is key

We are pleased to announce the names of the steering group members who will direct Empowered Communities in the 2020s – our major new independent research project scoping the future of work with communities.

The steering group members come from a mix of national and local organisations and all have knowledge and expertise in working with communities. They are: Alice Casey, Angus McCabe, Daniel Goodwin, Debbie Burton, Fabian French, Lorna Prescott, Paul Bragman, Dr Rachel Shanks, Richard Wilson, Sue Gill, Tony Armstrong and Fozia Irfan.

Today Local Trust also publishes a new report characterising the perceptions of 26 leaders in the community sector who gave confidential interviews to insight consultancy, BritainThinks. Their State of the Sector analysis finds that a more collaborative approach to community development – giving residents a greater say in how local needs are met – could be a lifeline for a sector overwhelmed by funding cuts and contract culture.

As Andrew Robinson, ex-chair of CDF and a founding trustee of Local Trust has said: “The timing couldn’t be better for the Empowered Communities research project to open up the debate to a wider audience.”

Interested in this project or know someone who would be? To join the project mailing list, use our quick online form or send your details to You can also follow the project on Twitter using #Empowered2020s and visit the Empowered Communities area of our website