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Dealing with external compliments, concerns or complaints about Big Local

This document is to support Big Local partnerships to think about how to respond to external compliments, concerns and complaints.

Feedback can be upsetting and sometimes difficult to manage, while strong differences of opinion can result in conflict. So having an agreed way to respond can help avoid these problems. And a clear, open process is more likely to result in a solution and resolution.

In a Big Local area, external compliments, concerns and complaints are likely to fall into one of the following categories:

About Big Local from outside the partnership
The subject might be community involvement, the plan, the proposed use of money, who is delivering aspects of the plan, or the choice of locally trusted organisation, or membership of the partnership. In these cases, it is best to respond through your partnership’s own locally agreed procedures.

About performance of the locally trusted organisation, or staff or organisations funded by the locally trusted organisation
Your locally trusted organisation will pick these up through its procedures for managing and supporting staff, or through the relevant grant or service agreement or contract.

What are you dealing with
What are the steps to follow when compliments are received?
What are the steps to follow when concerns are received?
What are the steps to follow when a formal complaint is received?
Creating a compliments, concerns and complaints procedure
Putting your compliments, concerns and complaints procedure into practice