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Community Organisers have found that asking people to share their life stories with each other is a powerful way of bringing people together in many situations. It is often uplifting and rewarding; it can bring a new sense of connection with people you know already or people new to you.

This is where each person has around seven minutes to tell a short version of their life story, and to hear other people’s stories.

It is also very simple – anyone can do it. You may also find it’s a tool you can use as part of your work.

Optional: If you want to learn a little more about how to run a ‘Connecting Through Life Stories’ session, stay online after the main event for a short and informal discussion/training.

Sign up here! 

About the CPN

Local Trust have funded Big Local Workers and volunteers access to Community Organisers’ Community Practitioners’ Network.

This network is made up of community practitioners from across the UK working in a range of careers in the community.

It provides expert led webinars twice a month on subjects such as reaching out and engaging with the community, working across different ethnicities and faith, managing conflict, creating a strategy to bring about change in communities, managing stress and avoiding burnout to name only a few. All webinars are tailored around your wants and needs.

We have a catalogue of over 45 past webinars that you can watch in your own time, and we are on hand for support and guidance.

We also hold monthly reflective sessions facilitated by our Lead Trainer, where you can share successes and challenges with your peers and problem solve together. These sessions are pivotal to your mental wellbeing and connecting with your peers to create an ongoing support network.