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Keen to demonstrate the positive impact of your Big Local for potential future funders? Wanting to celebrate your successes with your community? Your Big Local will have achieved so much over the last 10+ years and this bite size session with Just Ideas’ Richard Usher and Helen Garforth will cover: 

  • What to think about when talking about the impact of your Big Local 
  • Where to look for those stories of positive change 
  • How you know you’ve made a difference 
  • Understanding who to ask and how to ask about the achievements of your Big Local 


We’ll be thinking about the projects or buildings you’ve funded, the people you’ve worked with and what is happening at the end of Big Local. Richard and Helen both trained on the ‘How do we know we’re making a difference?’ measuring change sessions that Big Locals found really useful. Come and share your insights and gain new ones on how to talk about and demonstrate your Big Local’s positive impact. 

This session will be delivered online and are open to all Big Local areas. 


There will be three other sessions within the Future Funding series. 

  • 6th February 6-7:30pm – The difference we made with Just Ideas 

Sign up here

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at