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Connect with your Big Local peers for an evening and day, of learning and networking, focused on overcoming some of the common problems currently faced by Big Local areas.

In September there will be 18 months left of the Big Local funding programme. To mark this, we are inviting you to join us for an evening meal and a day of workshops, with the aim of offering you a space to meet up and find support among your peers.  

We will kick off on Friday 11th October, with an evening networking meal, followed by a day of workshops and space to connect with each other.  There will be three rotating workshops, which will offer you the chance to learn from other Big Local areas and delve deeper into a range of topics. While the exact workshop details are still being finalised, we are going to be exploring the following topics: 

  • How to spend your final funds with impact. 
  • Strengthening your Big Local partnerships shared vision and navigating difficulties. 
  • Stronger community spaces – exploring the benefits of local collaboration to develop stronger communities. 

We will also have some support partners and advisors on hand throughout the day to offer speedy advice surgeries. And a wellbeing practitioner who will lead some activities to develop our personal resilience.  

Sign up here for the London Meetup

Who is this event open to?

This event is aimed at people whose Big Local area is not yet in the close out phase, however, is open to all areas still active in the programme. This event is not open to areas that have closed out of the Big Local programme. 


We aim to ensure that there are few barriers as possible to your attendance.  For parents and carers, we can provide a creche for children up to the age of 12. If you have older children, they are welcome to join the session. And there is also the option to claim back caring costs incurred to facilitate your attendance. We have selected accessible venues, who can cater to all food requirements. If you have additional access needs, or questions, please contact or call 020 3588 0568.  


For this in person event, Local Trust will be covering the cost of travel, evening meal, and if you are attending the activities on the night before, we will cover a hotel stay. 

This event is based in London; however, we will be running a similar workshop event in Manchester on 17th October. Please use this link to register for the Manchester session. 

If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 020 3588 0568.