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In this session, Chairs will have the opportunity to explore the importance of healthy boundaries and how to create them to balance their role as a volunteer and maintain their own sense of wellbeing.

Boundaries are guidelines, rules or limits that are created to identify what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways to interact with others. They set the parameters of what is, and is not, acceptable behaviour. Understanding how to set boundaries helps Chairs to volunteer with more confidence.

Setting and maintaining boundaries can be difficult in volunteering roles that involve ongoing, direct contact with members of the community, employees and other volunteers. Many volunteers see the same people week after week and will almost certainly form some sort of relationship with these people. Boundaries in these relationships are vital.

A common feeling for volunteers can be that they are not doing enough or that they need to do more. Overtime this can have an impact on their  wellbeing. Boundaries are necessary for their wellbeing and can help them understand what is expected of them, to help manage other people’s expectations and to feel less overwhelmed.

The agenda for the evening is:

12.15 pm – Welcome and Introduction
12.20 pm – Chairs networking. Using breakout rooms as an opportunity to connect as Chairs and identify topics / issues of common interest that you might like to follow up outside of the session.
12.50 pm – Exploring how to create healthy boundaries. This session will involve discussions in breakout rooms and sharing of ideas. This will be done through:
· Short presentation
· Small group discussions
· Group discussion sharing insights.
1.20 pm – Reflection and learning
1.30 pm – End

The event will be held on Zoom and will be facilitated by Daksha Patel.
If you require any more information please contact

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