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Tackle loneliness and isolation in your community: A community action plan

Download this community action plan for practical ways to help people experiencing loneliness and isolation in your community.

Most of us will experience loneliness at some point in our lives. Ultimately, we are all social creatures. Seeking the company of others protects us from isolation and is vital for our long-term wellbeing.

This action plan, full of practical tips and activities, will help you to:

  • identify local barriers to social connection in your community
  • reach people who may be lonely or isolated
  • build community connections and confidence.

It also includes examples of how East Coseley Big Local and Brinnington Big Local have been tackling loneliness in their communities.

Download the action plan

How East Coseley Big Local tackled loneliness with pom-poms

In the West Midlands, members of East Coseley Big Local realised that some people wanted the opportunity to meet new faces and have a chat, without having to commit to or pay for regular activities.

So as part of their Just Start Talking project, they started to run coffee mornings. They also came up with a creative idea to promote them, while raising awareness of isolation and loneliness locally: Pom-Poms 4 Loneliness.

Pom pom on lamp postPeople from across the community made pom-poms and ‘pom-bombed’ the local area. This involved hanging pom-poms in public spaces with a note attached.

The notes included a phone number to call if someone was feeling lonely, and a link to the #JustStartTalking Facebook page so people could share photos of where the pom-poms ended up.

The initiative works on so many levels. For those who feel like they are contributing to their community through making pom-poms, those who enjoy getting out and about through ‘pom-bombing’, and then for each person who finds one.”

Shona, East Coseley Big Local

How Brinnington Big Local backed a community garden so local people can connect

In Brinnington, Greater Manchester, local resident Julie Loftus was suffering from depression and anxiety, which had led to alcoholism.

One day, Julie started clearing the local estate’s plots with a neighbour, and her love for gardening was born. It led to Julie becoming chair of Brinnington’s Green Thumbs, a community initiative that welcomes all members of the local area to have a go at planting and growing their own food.

My experience is probably why I can get on with people. It’s hard to explain, but I can sit and listen because I can probably identify with a lot of people up here, especially with the alcoholism and loneliness.”

Julie, Brinnington Green Thumbs

Download the action plan


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