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Big Local areas across England have been making substantial investments in local community assets. From community hubs and gardens to skate parks and public toilets, among other initiatives, these have been major achievements for many Big Local partnerships. As more Big Local areas exit the programme and explore external funding to maintain and sustain their community assets, many lessons can be drawn and shared to enhance the legacy of these projects.


This event will bring Big Local groups together to share their experiences, learn about work being delivered by other Big Locals, receive practical guidance on asset management, and reflect on future plans.


Hosted by Local Trust and Locality, this day-long workshop will put your group n in a better position to plan for and manage community assets. Through case studies, expert tips, and breakout discussions, we will explore the steps you can take now to protect your community asset’s future:


  • Consider ways to develop services that meet the needs of your local community
  • Make the best use of green spaces and ‘non-traditional’ community assets
  • Secure meanwhile leases on disused and empty buildings
  • Involve the whole community in planning for the future of assets


We will be hosted by Coin Street, who will share their journey so far with a tour of their neighbourhood centre and various spaces nearby, including gardens and co-operative homes. We will also hear directly from Big Local areas who have tackled challenges to asset management creatively and cooperatively.


Our event will close with a discussion of the Community Ownership Fund, for which Locality is an official support provider. This presentation will be tailored to organisations who wish to take ownership of assets at risk of being lost to the community. Locality is one of many COF partners providing in-depth support to organisations applying.


Local Trust can book and pay for train travel and hotel accommodation if you have a long journey.


If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 020 358 804 23.


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