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At the heart of every community enterprise is an idea that solves a problem or responds to a market opportunity. In this session the Stir to Action team will look at trade-based income opportunities and explore how your business can contribute to creating a more resilient local economy. This session will cover:

1. Defining your enterprise

  • Tried and tested tools for reviewing and improving your business plan
  • How to identify your market, define your product and USP, and explore gaps in the local economy

2. Understanding social value

  • Make a positive impact and gain a competitive edge through local employment, greater wellbeing, and protecting local environment

This workshop will feature a short presentation, group breakout sessions, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions, discuss ideas and share views on the topics raised.


Register here

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 02035880423.