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Big Local areas are investing in large projects like building homes, leasing community hubs and taking over forgotten green space. The success of this work often relies on a positive working relationship with the council, housing association or other large body. In lots of cases, forming strong and collaborative links can be challenging due to the impenetrable nature of local authorities.

At this Keep Connected event, understand how to better influence, work with and even just effectively connect with your Local Authority or housing association. You will come away with a better understanding of how they work and what you can do to establish contact. Hear from Blue Chula’s Aitch Nicol who will share top tips of ways to influence councils and housing associations, to help overcome challenges, establish more reliable contact, and build better relationships. This includes engaging people who may be able to help influence and make contact where it’s needed because widening groups can be a helpful way to keep relevant activity moving.

There will be an opportunity to share your experiences and hear from others as well as advice from Aitch Nicol and a Big Local area who has gone through a related journey. You will also be able to ask questions and pitch your concerns in your local area.


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Keep Connected with Big Local is your monthly opportunity to network and connect with other Big Local areas and Local Trust, and to find out about more learning and networking events.

If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 020 358 804 23