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Fundraising can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. In this session, the Stir to Action team will break it down into three bite-sized components:

  1. What money is out there? An overview of options for fundraising and financing options. We will cover:
    Grants – Lottery, Government, and Charitable Trusts/Foundations
    Investment and repayable finance
  2. Choosing the right approach. Which fundraising option(s) will work best for your Big Local
  3. Putting it into practice. For example, what makes a good fundraising bid? How to get started

Please note: this learning event will NOT cover options for trade-based income. There will be a separate learning event on this at a later date.

This workshop will feature a short presentation, group breakout sessions, and plenty of opportunities to ask questions, discuss ideas and share views on the topics raised.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 020 358 804 23.

Let us know if you’d like bespoke fundraising support here:

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