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Par Bay Big Local in Cornwall are one of the first Big Local areas to complete the Big Local programme this year and will be telling their story at this month’s Keep Connected event. You will hear from members of the Par Bay team, sharing their successes and lessons learned over the course of Big Local.

Par Bay Big Local will be talking about their journey and sharing their unique experiences and how they are reaching the end of the Big Local programme by discussing some key projects and milestone events in their history including:


  • Early decision making and community awards
  • Purchasing their community hub ‘Cornubia’, lessons learned and how they manage it today
  • Being an early Big Local to set up a legal body
  • Supporting the growth and development of projects locally including important youth support and youth employment and skill


Hear more, ask questions and learn about applying lessons learned to activities in your Big Local area.

This is, as always, your regular opportunity to network and connect with other Big Local areas and Local Trust and find out about more learning and networking events.

We look forward to seeing each other and engaging with you for our monthly online Keep Connected session on Tuesday 19th of July. Sign up here

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If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 02035880423